About Us

Arkajyoti Majumdar

"Ride the spiral to the end and we may just go where no one's been."

I am a medical student, and an avid fan of Rock Music. I try to empower myself, and those around me with knowledge about the world we live in, to help us achieve our dreams and to introspect into finding a better version of ourselves.

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Sankalp Shekhar

A computer science student, and an engineer to be, I find interest in looking for patterns in everything, and use historical events and evidence to justify, explain and predict future actions. I love to read and write, and I am a firm believer in moonshots.

I believe that the transient world we live in, will continue to grow and evolve, and technology being the current driving force, awareness will lead the next one.

With the world having access to more data than ever before, how we deal with this information, learn and understand complex ideas, and interpret them, will govern the future. The next major breakthrough, will not be from a transistor or a printing press, it will be from within our own mind.

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Mother Russia